Tuesday, October 3, 2023

A Traveler's Diary- First Port Stop: Katakolon, Greece (part 1)

 After saying goodbye to Civitavecchia....

And sailing for a full day. We arrived at the pretty port of Katakolon, Greece.

"Katakolon is a seaside town in the municipality of Pyrgos in western Elis, Greece. It is situated on a headland overlooking the Ionian Sea and separating the Gulf of Kyparissia from the rest of the Ionian. 

With a permanent population of around 600 and just three main streets, one could well blink and miss Katakolon, which would do the town a disservice.

 Beyond the brightly painted traditional fishing boats docked here and the mega yachts and cruise ships beyond them, the modern harborfront of the main town is lined with pastel-colored neoclassical buildings that host tavernas and coffee shops, all backed by verdant forests of Mediterranean pines and cypress trees."


What lies beyond the town itself is equally impressive. Many come here to pay homage to the athletes of the original Olympic Games at the ancient site of Olympia which is just a 30-minute drive away. 

"The sanctuary of Olympia, a Pan-Hellenic sanctuary has been established in the history of culture, as the most important religious, political and sports centre, with a history that dates back to the end of the Neolithic times (4th millennium BC). The famous sanctuary became the centre of worship of Zeus, the father of the twelve Olympian gods. For the Altis, the sacred grove and the centre of the sanctuary, some of the most remarkable works of art and technique have been created, constituting a milestone in the history of art. Great artists, such as Pheidias, have put their personal stamp of inspiration and creativity, offering unique artistic creations to the world. In this universal place, the Olympic Idea was born, making Olympia a unique universal symbol of peace and competition at the service of virtue. Here, too, prominence was given to the ideals of physical and mental harmony, of noble contest, of how to compete well, of the Sacred Truce; values, which remain unchanged in perpetuity."

"Olympia bears exceptional testimony to the ancient civilizations of Peloponnese, both in terms of duration and quality. The first human settlements date back to prehistoric times when the valley was occupied from 4000 to 1100 BC. Settlements and necropolises from the Bronze Age have been unearthed along the banks of the Alpheios river. The Middle Helladic and Mycenaean periods are represented at the site. Consecrated to Zeus, the Altis is a major sanctuary from the 10th century BC to the 4th century AD, corresponding to the zenith of Olympia, marked more specifically by celebration of the Olympic Games from 776 BC to 393 AD. A Christian settlement survived for a time at the site of the ruins of the great Pan-Hellenic sanctuary: discovery of the workshop of Pheidias under the remains of a Byzantine church is an outstanding indication of continuous human settlement, which was interrupted only in the 7th century AD, as a result of natural disasters."

Our tour guide, Elena Aggeli, was extremly knowledgeable, educating us with tremendous amount of historical facts.She made this a very unique experience for us.

"Olympia is directly and tangibly associated with an event of universal significance. The Olympic Games were celebrated regularly beginning in 776 BC. The Olympiad –the four-year period between two successive celebrations falling every fifth year- became a chronological measurement and system of dating used in the Greek world. However, the significance of the Olympic Games, where athletes benefitting from a three-month Sacred Truce came together from all the Greek cities of the Mediterranean world to compete, demonstrates above all the lofty ideals of Hellenic humanism: peaceful and loyal competition between free and equal men, who are prepared to surpass their physical strength in a supreme effort, with their only ambition being the symbolic reward of an olive wreath. The revival of the Olympic Games in 1896 through the efforts of Pierre de Coubertin illustrates the lasting nature of the ideal of peace, justice and progress, which is no doubt the most precious but also the most fragile feature of the world’s heritage."

"The sanctuary of Olympia and its surrounding area are preserved in almost intact condition, from ancient times till today. In the sacred Altis, Zeus’ sacred forest, the same tree and plant species are found, as in antiquity."

"In 2007, the surrounding area of the sanctuary of Olympia was hit by fires which have burned out a great part of the Peloponnese, albeit not irreparably,. Through immediate and coordinated efforts, in a short period of time, the natural environment has been restored, without significant alteration of its original form, while the ancient monuments inside the sanctuary were not affected and they are still preserved in very good condition. Consequently, the World Heritage property contains within its boundaries all the key attributes that convey the Outstanding Universal Value of the site. The restoration works on the sanctuary’s monuments have been conducted in accordance with the ethics of science and techniques, while in 2008 the restriction of vehicles’ circulation on the road passing through the foothills of Kronion Hill succeeded in protecting the monuments in its vicinity from vibration, noise and pollutants. The principal threats to the site are fire and flooding."

"Many athletic events taking place at today’s Summer and Winter Olympics have remained the same for thousands of years, including the decathlon, marathon and sprints or "stadion" races. After the games were banned when Emperor Theodosius deemed them pagan rituals, much of Olympia's temples were destroyed. Following extensive excavations in 1875, however, many of the original structural foundations were uncovered and the Olympic sites in Katakolon were declared a National Park in 1976."

While our tour of Olympia came to an end, by no means was it the end of Katakolon for us. Our next stop on this port town is a family owned honey farm.

Hope to see you there!😊😉🐝🐝






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