Sunday, July 31, 2022

Single Focal Point! Week 30


 Single Focal Point- 
"There are a number of ways that this can be done - depth of field can make it so a subject is in focus while almost everything else is blurred; or you could use negative space and a minimalist composition to draw in the viewer to one part of the image. Sometimes you can also use light as a frame to guide the viewer's perspective to your subject - think spotlight and light shaping."  

Saturday, July 30, 2022

Fight Over The Pool

When the birdbath is not big enough, a fight arises.

Who's going to get in the pool first?

Mind you the pool is big enough for both these guys, but no, they had to fight.

After a couple of squabbles one of them decided to dive.

Eventhough, the sign clearly said NO DIVING!

All that fuss, just to dip his tail.


P.S. I find the design on their wings and back quite interesting. 

Friday, July 29, 2022

Being Loved

 Sometimes I feel like I am related to Gladys Kravitz, (if you don't know who she is, look it up). 

I see something in the distance, that is not very clear with the naked eye. Something that needs that perfect vision. For me that "perfect vision" usually comes with the zoom lens. 

In this case the 200-500mm.

From the middle of the family room, looking across the patio, then the pool, then all the way to the fence line (that's about 50+ feet) I saw these two common birds sitting on the chainlink fence.

Naturally, the big guns came out.

There is no photographic value to these captures. 

But there definitely is an awe inspiring "how sweet" reaction to their action. 

I cropped the photo so that the sweet action could become more obvious.

Thursday, July 28, 2022

A Life Saved

 Our pool is a magnet for all forms of creatures and this week was no exception.

I found this little creature floating and clinging for dear life. 

Being a nice person that I "occasionaly" am, I chose to save his life.

I believe he knew that by me saving his life, he would somehow have to repay the good deed.

Repay me he did.

 Posed for an endless photo shoot.


Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Keeping An Eye On Chippy

 The wildlife in our backyard have been very active the last few days, giving me reason to take the big lens out and shoot away.

Today's post is all about the little thief that loves to run around stealing bird feed.

I am definitely not a fan of rodents, but at the same time I can't resist taking a photo or two of this cute little guy.

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Jay's Delight


Nothing is more satisfying than taking a dip on one of the warmest days of summer.

I caught Jay eyeing the "pool" from way above in the tree.

What actually caught my eye, was his "hairdo".

Looked somewhat unkept.

Then, once he got his baring on the edge of the "pool", I understood where that disheveled look came from.

This was not his first dip of the day.

And so, I watched as the fun began..........

No better tune to go along with Jay's delight than the "Bird Bath" by The Trashmen.
