Saturday, July 23, 2022

Cruising the Lake and River (part 2)


Once on the other side of the Harbor Lock the view of the area continues to be just as beautiful. 

The fact that it was a foggy, cloudy day, added to the mystic of the highrises.

Naturally, once we cruised around the lake, we went back to the Harbor Lock, in order to gain to access entrance back into the River. 

Watching the lock from the Lake Michigan side is not as much fun, since you don't see the movement of the water. But we did go from the fifth floor to the first floor in a blink of an eye or so it seemed.

Just like riding an elevator.


And so that concluded the tour for the day. 

Here's a little video to see how the Chicago Harbor Lock Operates. 

By the way, Ellie, the dog in the video, was doing exactly what she was hired to do, keeping the harbor clean and free of birds, when we went by.


  1. Sounds like a great ending to the day! That fog really did add to the drama of the high-rise photos. Thanks for the fun trip!

  2. Spectacular skyline, made more dramatic by the low cloud. I like the rusty lighthouse, looks very interesting.

    1. Thanks Gethin. While I have taken tons of photos of the lighthouse in the past, with a zoom lens, this is the first time I got close enough to actually "see it".

