Sunday, July 31, 2022

Single Focal Point! Week 30


 Single Focal Point- 
"There are a number of ways that this can be done - depth of field can make it so a subject is in focus while almost everything else is blurred; or you could use negative space and a minimalist composition to draw in the viewer to one part of the image. Sometimes you can also use light as a frame to guide the viewer's perspective to your subject - think spotlight and light shaping."  


  1. Great examples, all - the die is my favorite because of the lighting, but the fork is a close second.☺️

    1. Thanks John. The die is the one I entered, because of the same reason you mentioned.

  2. Nice playing around using different techniques. I like the fork best. What is the orange thing with spots? Has me foxed.

    1. The orange thing is a petal from a tiger lily that fell on the stump of a tree adjcent to the plant.

  3. Thanks Chuch. My presently favorite lens is a 50mm 2.8 macro Nikon Z lens. It is sharp and very light. Combined with a Nikon Z7 a perfect walk around duo.

