Saturday, July 30, 2022

Fight Over The Pool

When the birdbath is not big enough, a fight arises.

Who's going to get in the pool first?

Mind you the pool is big enough for both these guys, but no, they had to fight.

After a couple of squabbles one of them decided to dive.

Eventhough, the sign clearly said NO DIVING!

All that fuss, just to dip his tail.


P.S. I find the design on their wings and back quite interesting. 


  1. What fun! I love watching my hummingbirds every day - can't get enough of them. had to rescue a female from the bird netting around my sad, sorry looking tomato plants yesterday. She got in underneath, like the dirty, sneaking mockingbird does, and kept trying to go higher. My brother and sister-in-law were getting a bit freaked out until I reached in, gently caught her and released her outside the net. She flew around the side of the house, came back and perched on the top of the cucumber supports! Birds is some fun!!🐦😊

    1. What an awesome feeling that must have been; being able to rescue the little thing. I have to rely on the robins, and everyday birds to entertaining me these days, as you know hummingbirds have been scares in my area. It truly is a sign of getting old... watching birds. But that's ok they do soothe the mind :)

    2. It was a wonderful feeling, especially since I have hands the size of a baseball glove and she was the size of my thumb! Our robins are entertaining, too, but for some odd reason they don't like salt water - go figure!

  2. 🤣🤣 I am going to start charging rent.

