Sunday, July 10, 2022

Negative Space Week 27

 Some of my photos don't have the uncluttered look that goes along with "negative space" but I clicked this week. And that is all that matters to me.

Sometimes you don't meet the challenge full throttle and sometimes you do. 

This was one of those off weeks.


  1. Oh, Oh, number 5! Me likee dat!! I know the feeling just banging it out sometimes - I just took the one shot this week when I realized the challenge was coming up and was out around the pool deck. What a nice, negative space, says I. I'm really trying to quit trying, if you know what I mean. Just wander around with my little Lumix in my pocket and see what happens.

    1. #5 was a bit of this and a bit of that ( that being photoshop). But your comment made me giggle....Lumix huh? Which Luminx? Someone gifted me a Lumix because I was and still am looking for a pocket camera.

  2. I quite like 9 just because it is so extreme.

