Thursday, March 7, 2024

Dinner Time

 I am definitely not doing a good job with my bird photography. As much as I like watching them and capturing them, I am not getting a clear picture of them.

Not sure what my problem is.

Could be old age.

Could be bad eyesight.

Could be unsteady hands.

Could be the excitement.

Could be ALL sorts of could be's.

Bottom line they aint sharp, but heck I will click!

On my walk home the other day saw this guy sitting under the bridge, through the chain link fence.

I saw him (naturally)...I stopped and positioned my camera throught the chainlink fence because I noticed he had caught something.

Obviously, I didn't focus on the "thing" he had caught and clicked.

Then I tried to be more diligent and focus on the "thing".

But if you know anything about birds....they don't wait for you to get situated....they do their thing and you have a 50/50 chance of capturing.

Of course I clicked...because something is better than nothing.

Within seconds that "thing" was down the hatch.

 And Mr. Anhinga sat around digesting that "thing" for a few minutes before taking off toward the next "thing".

And so goes my adventures in bird watching (clicking) in Florida.


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