Monday, December 20, 2021

Day Two

 When I travel, I obviously take my camera. Occasionally, I will pack some extra lenses and maybe a tripod (small one, because I am not a tripod person) and some filters.  I am always in the frame of mind of "what if I decide to.... and don't have what I need"  when packing. Truth be know nine out of ten times I never use the extra "stuff" I take. 

This vacation was no exception.

I took three lenses, one small tripod and a filter and ended up using just one and a half lenses...I say half lens only because I felt guilting for hauling all this stuff and not using them. Hence, I convince my self to use my 50 mm lens at least for a couple of shots. In the long run I ended up using my 28-300mm lens 99% of the time. That lens has been my favorite one to travel with albeit, it's not very light.

My goal on this trip was to shoot anything and everything that captured my eye. Some of the clicks were planned but for the most part they were what my buddy Rodney Y. calls snapshots.

Cheers Rodney!  😂

 One of the attractions to this resort, besides all the other amenities, is destination weddings. On a single day, one might see two to three weddings taking place during different hours of the day as well as different areas of the resort.

Therefor, for someone who likes to click away, what better activity than taking a few candid photos of the happenings.

This photographer was making a killing. I saw him at each and everyone of the weddings that took place while we were there. 


        Rodney, this might be the time to convince the wife to move to Costa Rica 😉




  1. Good documentary. I found like you all the gear is just an encumbrance and rarely take anything out anymore apart from the camera. Sometimes I don't even bother with an SD card. 🤣

    1. 😂😂 I did read about your last blunder. I am surprised at you, with your great memory, how do you manage to forget the SD card?

    2. SD must stand for Senile Dementia.😂

  2. We always take more gear than we need, don't we? I end up with my 55-200 on all the time just because I'm so lazy about changing out lenses. I'd love to be able to afford a Tamron 18-400 and then I'd be done. Oh, well! Nice candids!

    1. The 18-400 will cover every perspective. Have you looked at used lenses? I buy most of my lenses, used, some from eBay and some from Amazon and B&H and so far I have had great success with all purchases. I have what most photographers call GAS, tons of equipment and yet always end up using just a few.

  3. I'm the same way - most used, but I've pretty much shot my wad for awhile with disaster relief and such. Oh, well, it's a want not a need - 1st world problem!

