Sunday, November 6, 2022

Chaos! Week 44

  A little of this and a little of that combined together, creates chaos.

  You got one of these drawers?

Or a bucket full of these?

How about a dish full of Halloween candy gone stale? 

The extra challenge was double exposure....... 

But it needed to be combined with the regular challenge. 

I did both; in camera (above photos) and out of camera (below) 

double exposures.

Hence, concluded a chaotic week.


  1. Those drawers! Argggh!! But we keep them like that, don't we? The coffee bean shot is way cool, but I really love the Scrabble mash up. The candy corn pumpkin nasties give me the willies - the thought of them makes my stomach hurt! The next to last double exposure is excellent. If I did one like that around here, it would have to be of cows and tractors and graveyards🤣.

    1. I like the scarbble mashup as well. First because of the colors and second because not only did I do a double exposure but on the second shot I did a slight IMC hence the overlapping of some of the letters. The candy was a last minute shoot. Grocery store apparently couldn't sell any of these therefore they piled them up in several carts and were giving them away for free. You know me, I bring trash home to shoot 😉😁

  2. Love the double exposures.

  3. These are great, really inventive and really effective. We have had so many declutters over the years that we have very little to use as props. We do have a drawer of really useful tools that have never been used though. I think you may have just missed your last opportunity to get rid of the candy.

    1. Thanks. Can you come over and declutter my house now that you are all neat and tidy in yours? 😉

