Sunday, November 20, 2022

Food Photography! Week 46

  You could say I didn't follow the requirements for this week's challenge. Wanted to do more of a silllife photo session than actual food photography.

I also tried my hand at the extra challenge "Food Photography with Liquid Splash."


  1. These are all awesome! Nice job, Camellia. And, since when have you been one to "follow the requirements" for anything? :-)

  2. All very nice, but you know I love my pomisimmons! Great bubbles on the splash.😁

    1. Those little red fruits are really photogenic.....I am still waiting for your completed set. BTW the best bubble maker so far is soda water, although I did try Tonic water at one time.....don't!!! The most stickiest and messiest clear liquid there is.

  3. Love the first bubble one and I really like the dark pomegranate. The darkness really suits the rich red colour and the lighting is beautifully balanced. (spellcheck on comments telling me I've spelled colour wrong, not having that spellcheck, deal with it)🤣

  4. Thanks. What does spellcheck know??? Always tell me that I have words mispelled when they are perfectly spelled (in my mind) 😂😂

