Sunday, November 13, 2022

Street Photography! Week 45

  This week's challenge was to go out in public and capture something happening in real-time and candidly with human beings part of the shot

I went downtown looking for human beings. 

Then I decided to combine the challenge with the arrival of the Oscar Mayer Wienermobile.



  1. Who can resist the Weinermobile? But I like #3 the best - preteens having a laugh at something (probably silly) on their phone is so "now".😁

    1. I wasn't sure what they were up asking the other to take her photo and the other having an opinion of how it should be done. Either way they kept me on the curious seat for a while and then he walked by :)

  2. These are all fun. My favorite was the pair in the last shot before the Weinermobile. Were they posing for you?

    1. Thanks Tom. I did not ask them to pose nor do I know them. As a matter of fact I was across the street, but I believe they saw me with a camera and so decided they would pose and a get a click from me. They were successful, although, me being me, I tried to pretend I was shooting something else 😊

  3. This is what you do best. I want a Wienermobile, if I had one around here everyone else would have to reverse.

    1. 🤣🤣 Thankfully you don't have one!! And no this not what I do best...this is another facade of me. What I do best is try to get under your skin..."soooooooo" 🤣🤣

