Saturday, December 31, 2022

Redo! Week 52

 "The last challenge of 2022 and time for a Mulligan - Redo a challenge of your choice from this year. A chance to get a second crack at a challenge's image that you think you could improve on." 

"Or maybe choose one that you had a lot of fun doing the first time!"



  1. I like the second lensball - very crisp and clear and a cool theme (I know how you love the state fair).

    1. John, that photo of the Jumbo Corn Dog kiosk is one of my favorite ones from last years State Fair. As you say it is crisp. I had the photo turned into a jigsaw puzzle and the company created a box with the pieces in it and the cover, the original photo. I've used that box several times since its arrival. This being of those times.Thanks for leaving a comment 😉

  2. Number two works really well. It's a little like the devices used in films sometimes to indicate maybe going back in time. Like when colour turns to sepia, that sort of thing. Well I know what I mean anyway. 🙂

    1. #2 has that Norma Rockwell feel for me. Sort of like looking in through the candy story/toy store window....well I know what I mean as well 😉

