Friday, June 16, 2023

Amazing Clicks!!

No! No! 

This has nothing to do with my ability to click.

This has to do with............

..........looking out the window and suddenly seeing  a beauty tramps in your yard!

Let me clarify the word "your yard".

My yard, a small yard, butts up to the farmer's "yard" (in this case his plot of land to plant either corn or beans, depending on the year) which this year is planted with beans.

Out the window I look  and what do I see......

A beautiful deer stomping, walking, skipping across the bean field.

Hence, a run to grab the camera is mandated!!

Followed by going outside and getting as close to the beauty as I possibly could.....

.....and clicking as fast as I could.

While clicking, I got as close as I could without trying to scare him/her off.

Then she/he saw me.....

She/ he kept watch of me for a while and then decided  I was not to be trusted, therefor retracted her/his steps.

Of course.....I followed with the clicking.

He/she stopped again to see if I was following. 

Guess what??

I was....

So he/she continued prancing across the bean field....

And of course I followed...clicking all the way.

One last stop to check.....

"Is the crazed one still following?"


"She is".

"Guess I will move along".

One last check.....

(I personally can hear every obsenity that is going on in his/her head)

And off he/she went into the  neighborhood greenery.

P.s. Did you ever make a flipbook when you were younger?

These photos are ideal candidates for a flipbook.

Just click on one of the photos so that film strip pops up and then trigger the mouse to go through them as fast as it can.


