Thursday, June 8, 2023

New Neighbors

 Our new neighbors had some babies this week.

To be honest, I am not sure if they are new neighbors or ones that like this rent free area and come back each season.

I've tip toed while they built their new home.

I've tip toed while mama sat warming the eggs.

I've tip toed when they hatched.

I still tip toe while walking out onto the patio but I am not sure if tip toeing is needed.

I watch them... 

They watch me....

She watches them....

This is dad bringing the bacon home.

Close up of dad...

She watches until dad comes home...then she leaves and dad feeds the bacon and off he goes....

And then she comes back to check....

This has been the routine the last few days.....

Today all's quite in the western front....

Not sure what is going on.

No mom to check in.

No dad bringing home the bacon.

No movement.

Time will tell.


  1. Really nice! Seems your robins built a nest just as ours did - right on top of the corner pergola post, between two of the hummer feeders. I'm pretty sure the fledglings, on successive mornings, knocked down the feeders trying to learn to fly since they were all gone. It's been a lot quieter around here since then!

    1. I don't think mine have survived. The nest seems to have been abandoned and no sign of life.

  2. Thanks for sharing your story with detailed photos. However, nature is not always pleasant. Maybe the couple will have a successful child next time.

    1. Thank you Tsao, that is exactly what my husband said. Interesting enough, am not sure if this is the same couple as last year, (they all look alike) but this nest has been used 3 times so far. Although , parts of it had to be rebuilt after this winter's winds. So I guess that my hope is they will use again in the near future.

