Sunday, March 27, 2022

Long Shutter/Light Painting Week 12


This week's challenge required using a slow shutter speed to capture photographs. There was also an extra challenge section which dealt with using any source of light to do some light painting.

Since both the regular challenge and the extra challenge basically required the same type of set up, I chose to do both.

First set of photos were taken with an off camera flash on the right of the subject and a small flashlight on the left side. My goal here was to create some light trails, but I wasn't very successful in that area.

The next set of photos were taken, again with a slow shutter speed and the use of a small flashlight, to paint some light and shadows on the subjects.

And in this last photo, instead of a flashlight I used a string of LED lights.


  1. Nice! Now, maybe it's just because I have three little frog figures, but I really do think the frog is the best, not just because of the whimsy, but the lighting seems to have been carefully placed. Then again, your nuts are gorgeous, too.

    1. I think on those two the light worked perfect as well. I find the dark, shadowy stuff to be more appealing. Thanks for stopping by :)

  2. I've been missing Blogspot for a while. Just noticed you are back. I like the walnuts best, really well lit. Then the sunflower, although green light not my favourite.

    1. I am still trying to get the hang of this paiting with light. Some days one or two shots hit the target and other days , it's all over the place. My timing is always off hence my lighting isn't as intense in an area as it needs to be. Yes, I am back (actually never left). I find the other place not being back up friendly, not a place to post big posts. Don't want to loose the ones that mean something to me :)

