Tuesday, March 29, 2022

The Osprey Nest


In my last post , found here, I mentioned looking for the nest of the osprey. 

The osprey that hovered around our condo on a regular basis.


I had seen his flight path and sort of had an idea of where the nest might be.

Searching I went and found the nest way high, high above a telephone pole.

I noticed that there were actually two of them sharing the nest.

My goal now was to try and capture their face rather than their derrier.

Therefor,  I waited patiently.


And finally one of them looked down at me. 

 Mission accomplished.



  1. Great shots. These magnificent birds were almost extinct in the UK (I believe they were down to one breeding pair in Scotland) but thankfully now and making a comeback.

    1. Wow I didn't know that they were extinct in Scotland, but glad they are making a comeback. As you said they are magnificent looking birds.

