Sunday, October 23, 2022

Black And White Minimalism! Week 42

 Not my favorite genre of photography, but here goes....

The last two were shot with an ND filter, this week's extra challenge.


  1. Nice! I like the "tree island" shot best because of the light that enters from the bottom right hand corner, hits the island and exits background left. It's a leading line of light! And the tones are perfect, as well. Most spankerlicious!! (look that up in your Funk & Wagnalls)😁

    1. Thanks John for your comments. The last two are actually, in my opinion much nicer in color. While I didn't think of "leading lines" in the photo you mentioned when shooting, I can now see what you mean. It definitely was not intentional...accidents happen and they do become spankerlicious 😉

  2. These are all cool, as usual. I think the one with the coffee cup is very clever, and the last shot has a certain vibe.

    1. The one with the coffee cup is probably the one closest to the "challenge requirements". As always thank you for stopping in 😊

  3. For me the only two truly minimalist shots are the cup and the doll. That doll is seriously sinister. There is too much going on in the others to qualify. In my humble opinion. But that is just my critique on the word in the brief. They are all good black and whites. There is something other worldly and intriguing about the last shot. Last but one, are they trees because the filter makes it look like an atomic mushroom cloud.

    1. Your humble opinion is actually very accurate. I struggled with this week's challenge for two reasons: 1) black and white is really not my go to. 2) minimalist has me baffled everytime. I end up either with very boring single item photos or.... I know what the definition of a minimalist photo is, but somehow my brain has a hard time wrapping around the requirement. That "doll" was by chance...I noticed the shadows and lines on the piano and hence did a prep.

  4. I love the contrast and tunes, maybe not your genre, but you are doing well :D

