Sunday, October 30, 2022

Details! Week 43

 This week's challenge was right up my alley which ment I went overboard.

Details means (to me) close up.

Close up means (to me) macro.

Macro means (to me, occasionally) still life.

Still life means ......

Well you get the idea......

............I clicked to a great extent.

Then there was the extra challenge...HDR.

Combining seven images.... range being -3, -2, -1, 0, +1, +2, +3.

I guess you could say it was a good week for photography pour moi 😜




  1. A very good week pour mu - love them all but, as often seems to be the case, #1 is my fav. The boot not only has great detail and dof, but it also has wonderful light, texture and tells a story.
    " It takes a ten dollar shoe to fit my foot
    It takes a ten dollar shoe to fit my foot
    It takes a ten dollar shoe to fit my foot, Great God
    And I ain't a-gonna be treated this a-way"
    Can't beat that combo, in my book.☺️

    1. They feed me on corn bread and beans
      They feed me on corn bread and beans
      They feed me on corn bread and beans, O lord
      And I ain't a-gonna be treated this a-way

      The ones that turn out the best are the ones that do not take too much thinking nor set up, and my hard working, hubby's boots, definitely fall into that category.

  2. Great selection of subjects. Is that the boot after 11 miles?

    1. No Senor...those boots belong to the battery man 😉

