Saturday, January 15, 2022

Hello From......Week 2


"Framers are found across the globe. We speak many languages and are spread far and wide. What better way to introduce the rest of us to your little corner of the planet than by showing us a scene from where you are. So, say Hello From... wherever you are."
As per usual half a dozen photographs were taken (maybe even more😉) and only one was submitted. 


And so goes the second week of the 52 frame challenge for the year 2022.


  1. Number 1, of this set, is my fav - though I know you're holding out. This is America, not always scenic and bucolic. Way to get real, sista!

  2. As the famous Justin Wilson would say (I absolutely loved his show) I Gar-On-Tee this area has a ton more of non-bucolic (you do like to throw those big words at me, don't ya 😁)neighborhoods than bucolic and after living here for almost 39's time to move. But once in a while a shot or two fall in my lap...#1 is the one. There is minimal editing on that one...WYSIWYG and those are the best shots, hence it is the one that was submited.

  3. How you come on Justin? He real deal CayJun, my peeps (daddy was part Acadian). He, Julia Child and Graham Kerr were my PBS cooking gurus (though I personally couldn't stand Kerr). 39 years is a long time - 25 years in Charlotte seemed forever for me, though I loved it, but so did three miserable years in New Jersey!

    1. Graham Kerr was a pompous ass in my books, hence rarely watched him. But Julia and Justin were our comfort buddies and as you said PBS was THE station to watch. 39 is long especially for a gal who loves to travel.I loved Charlotte so much to see and do. :)

  4. This set makes me shiver. I like the last diagonal rocks one.

    1. They really looked cool in person. If I wasn't afraid of falling in I would have gotten closer to do some macro...but scardy cat stayed on the dry side.

