Wednesday, February 16, 2022

My Z !!


My Z has a mind of its own.

It does what it wants when it wants.

Ok, not all the time, but definitely times when I am not looking.

I have it set up so that when on auto focus, it can shoot, when and only when the focus is locked.

What that means is that if the camera is not focused on something, no matter how many times you press the shutter button......nothing happens.


If the camera is hanging off my shoulder, dangling on my side, and the focus point is "traveling" all over the screen (I use the word traveling liberally, because the Z does like to do a lot of that) then it's fair play.  

There is no need for a lock and the shutter button clicks away on its own.Therefor, taking pictures of random stuff it "sees" while hanging off my shoulder.

Here are some examples of what Z was able to capture today.

Pretty cool don't you think?

 I am impressed.....NOT! 😉

