Friday, February 11, 2022

Second Try

My new friend came over yesterday, it was raining and he didn't stay around too long. 
I tried to capture him in flight.  
I need more practice.  
Maybe by the time I leave I will have the flight down pat. 



  1. Not bad - keep at it. I suggest more alcohol, as it helps steady the nerves. Trust me, I'm a scientist. Osprey you'll get it next time. Not sorry.

    1. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Anymore alcohol and I will be forced to attend the AA club 😉. But in all seriousness I like to play the same game as Foster this case no playing...the steady hands would come from bringing out the tripod and placing the 200-500 mm on it. Mind you I brought the tripod along....just still lazy as heck. So much easier to run and grab the camera and shoot and hope for the best. After all I ain the prof and never will be, so I IS happy :)

  2. Happy is good - and I DO know lazy. Shoot with what you got, sometimes, and hope for the best.

