Tuesday, May 10, 2022

"My Kind of Town" #2

  In pursuit of shapes, shadows, light, and anything that catches my eye.  

There is no end to that desire; hearing the click of the shutter.

"The BFG" one of my most favorite murals. I think I have clicked it half a dozen times so far.

Guardian of the BFG......insisted I take his photo. "En Guard"!!

Sadly this place has gone belly up.

Hard to hide. 

No one lives in the building below by choice.

And this is why.... 

A perfect reflection that caught my eye.

Shadows from the subway track above my head. 

Rodney, your dog made it to Chicago.



  1. These are fantastic, luuuuuurve them. Too many to mention all but my favourite is number 1. Great composition the way the steps lead to the crossing stripes. The stripes seem to be hovering in the air. 3,4 and 5. 7,8 and 10. Love 7 although my sensibilities would have made me crop the black edge on the right.😊 8 is great, that rhymes, and would it make a mono too, not sure, you'd have to lighten it a lot and then add contrast, but I love all the lines. Like the puddle too and the dark zebra crossing. So most of them really. Having said too many to mention, I then go and mention them all.

  2. Soooooooo..... I typed a whole respponse and then.......I accidently double pressed two buttons together(fat fingers) and ended up in HELL!. I missed the black in #8 until you brought it forth. Throughout this whole excursion, I did a "What would Gethin do" type of framing and to be honest on some I did that during the post processing because on some I realized " THE WHOLE" picture was not showing what my eye was actually seeing/wanting to capture. I think what I have learned from you is that not everyphoto has to be this awsome wall hanging, but rather it can zoom in to what caught your eye ( hope that makes sense).

