Sunday, May 22, 2022

People Watching

 Chicago is the perfect place to people watch. You come across so many different characters and so many different expressions. Sometimes it's just nice to walk around and click as you see them. Other times, sitting in one location and watching people walk by becomes the thing to do.

I did both on my most recent trip.

Clicked as  I walked around.

Then I decided to sit across the street from the train station; watch and click.

Some decided to give me the if I could miss that one.

While others were totally oblivious to their surrounding.

One thing I learned from just watching and clicking....we sure are a society who is in love with cellphones.


  1. "Variety is the spice of life" You certainly got a great cross section here.

    1. I love watching people. Used to do all the time in my younger days...find the right hotel with a lobby, go early to the airport and sit/watch. Those days have changed because life has changed but the enjoyment still exists therefor sitting on a bench in public place is what I do :)

  2. Busy busy busy, everyone going somewhere. Reminded me of one of my favourite films, Koyaanisqatsi. Worth a watch if you can find it. Not a story just a musical and visual cornucopia.

