Thursday, September 29, 2022

It's That Time!!

 One of the benefits of living next to farmland is the entertainment you receive when it's harvest time.

And it's harvest time in our neck of the woods.

Looked out the window and spotted this huge red "implement".

So the next thing was to get closer to the field and watch.

And when it was all done...... 

I noticed...... 

the changing colors..... 

way in the distance.

It's Official!!


  1. Nice shots of that "implement"(a combine) and it's transfer loader working. If you've got color, you're way ahead of us!

    1. John I don't want to be way and winters don't get along too well :)

  2. It's nice being in the middle of farmland like that. We have a farm shop at the edge of the village, and I was in there this week. A guy was giving it large saying what is the provenance of your meat, where does it come from, is it local. The butcher points through the window at the hill the other side of the creek and says that's our farm over there.

    1. I farmer or farmer's wife I will never be...way too much work. But living next to one has its pluses. It also has its you know how many mice live in that farm land? I do. 😁

    2. Not going to turn into "THE CAT LADY" . We already have one of those in the family 😉

