Saturday, September 24, 2022

Ketchikan- First Glance

 Ketchikan, Alaska is approximately 685.7 nautical miles from Seattle, depending on the speed knots used. And if you were able to drive it (which you are not) the distance in miles are 1,115 or 1794 km.

Ketchikan is  known as "Alaska's First City" because of its location at the southernmost tip of Southeast Alaska. It is a major cruise ship port, along the Inside Passage. 

Besides being known as "Alaska's First City", Ketchinka is also known for being one of the rainiest cities in America, receiving 261% more rain than the national average.

Therefor, our arrival here on a rainy day, was no surprise

Standing on one of the decks of the Solstice I clicked away. As you can tell from these photos, the rain came down steadly. At times it would seem like it was going to clear up and then just as quikcly it would turn foggy and mist or sprinkle away.

What are your thoughts?

Can you live in a city where the rain hardly ever lets up?

Solstice docked in Ketchinka at around 7:00 a.m., giving passengers the opportunity to disembark and roam around the city.

The rain wasn't going to stop this motley crew from exploring, and exploring we did.

Our first destination?

Take a guess..... 

......................and if you can't, then wait for the next post. 


  1. Oh, you went to the 'ho houses, yes you did, up along Creek Street, unless you got waylaid by all the shopping first.🤣

    1. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I am dying laughing at your comment. Funny as heck!!! WRONGOBONG!!!!😂😂

  2. Beautiful landscape even in the rain. There is a saying, "there is no such thing as bad weather, just the wrong clothing". That's why they invented wetsuits. 🤣

    1. 😂😂 You would know considering where you live.

  3. You are absolutely correct about the view of the country. Thank you for stopping in 😊

