Sunday, September 25, 2022

One Light Source Week 38

  Just as the title suggests, using one light source to illuminate the subject.

 The following photo; the light source was a small flashlight.

In the photo below, I used a Savage LED bulb draped with a honeycomb diffuser.

BTW that ladybug is real. It was hanging on the screen door, so I invited it for a quick modeling session and then released it out into th wild. 

After all one never kills a ladybug, they bring good luck 😉.


  1. But kidnapping? Not sure about that. Love #2, however, the glassa she no wet; you no drinka da Chianti? Oh, you too drunka to fillada da glass - capisce!

  2. Thanks. The difference between the miniature and Camellia is that the miniature can get up and down much quicker than Camellia 😊

