Friday, November 12, 2021

Abstracting with ICM

 Mother nature just had the hardest time making her mind up today. 

 The morning started with a nice looking sun but within no time, the clouds came rolling in and pushed the sun back. 

Then the wind started getting stronger and the sky got cloudier and grayer.
Sun was not about to give up, so it showed its face, again being pushed behind by the clouds. This routine went on most of the morning and then snow decided to join in the play.

 Back and forth between the sun, the clouds, the wind and the snow, neither one wanting to let the other stay around too long.

 Consequently, a perfect day not to venture out and play close to home.

 Play I did trying in camera movement with the wide angle lens.


On the first five I zoomed in an out @29mm, ISO 31, f/4.5, 1/4 sec.

On the two above I not only zoomed in and out but also side to side this time @39 mm.

Back to previous setting and zooming in and out.

I have no idea what happened here....I believe the camera did it's own version of  ICM and someone accidently pressed the shutter.


  1. Yeah, baby - me likee! This is fun stuff!!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Tom. These are easy to create and a great way to pass time.

  3. Surreal and sometimes dizzying.

  4. These are great, some of course work better than others. 3 4 and 5 especially. weather here just as changeable apart from the snow.

    1. Some of them surprised me, especially #5. It looks like there is like streak and I am not sure where that came from.

