Tuesday, November 2, 2021


 Today would have been the 9th day without any signs of the sun. The key word is would have been, had it not tried to show it's face first thing this morning.

 And show it did.....

Well, let me rephrase that. It turned the sky aglow for about half an hour and then sadly, the clouds told it to go back home since they were in control, AGAIN!




  1. Great shots, it's true, the early bird really does get the worm, or perhaps we should change it "to the early photographer gets the shots!"

  2. Thank you David, sometimes one has to forgo that beauty sleep and do what needs to be done 😉

  3. Great shots - and why do I not get a notice of this posting when I'm a (slavish) follower? What's up with that? And why weren't you up with us chickens at 4am? Oh, you DO get some beauty sleep!

