Sunday, November 28, 2021

Framer's Challenge #48

"As photographers and creative artists we're always looking to get innovative shots and capture that moment in time. Some of us look to the world and others look within for fresh and new ideas, but there's an untapped resource that we'd like Framers to pay attention to this week. The work and styles of our fellow photographers, especially those who have been recognized for their talent and style by the world at large. 

My inspiration this week: Arnold Newman


  1. 2nd photo: You look as if you missed something. very natural good photo!😍

  2. That second picture is excellent. I love this quote from the link.

    “There are no rules and regulations for perfect composition. If there were we would be able to put all the information into a computer and would come out with a masterpiece. We know that's impossible. You have to compose by the seat of your pants"
    ~ Arnold Newman

    1. Thank you Gethin, and lord knows I don't follow any rules when it comes to photography, hence why the seat of my "pants" are terribly worn 😂

