Saturday, November 20, 2021

Week 47: Fill The Frame!

 This week's theme was more of a way for me to play. Some of the photos filled the frame and others, not so much. But that's ok because I completed another week and had fun.

After all photography is all about having fun!

In case you are wondering, many of the backdrops are photos I have taken in the past, and a couple are ones I found on Pixabay.

Placed the backdrops/photos on my large screen and used a mirror for the base.

By the way John D., just like my "helping hands" you will be seeing a lot of photos with these skeleton leaves. Hopefully, they are not as scary as the hands.  😉


  1. Outstanding! - I knew you'd get some sharp images on your water drops. I'm working on glycerin now and focus stacking. Love the skeleton leaves - they're not spooky, they're natural! The hands? We've had so much strong wind the past week that all our leaves have blown to West-by gosh-Virginia.

    1. Thanks John. I do believe the sharpness comes from the amount of light one has. On most of these shots my ISO was at 800 even though I was in a well lit room.

  2. Some stunning images here. Boggles my mind how they are done.

  3. Gosh! They are beautiful! Love your artistic inspirations in settings… just beautiful!❤️

    1. Thanks Jasmine....the artistic part must have come from the "stepmother"🤣🤣

